General Surgeon
Cleveland Clinic Euclid Hospital
Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
Dr. Carneval is a community general surgeon at Cleveland Clinic Euclid Hospital, in practice since 2011. She serves on hospital leadership and GME committees, and is Past-President and current Secretary-Treasurer of Cleveland Surgical Society.
As an adjunct to her General Surgery practice, Dr. Carneval has several interests personally and professionally and seeks to serve her peers by sharing pertinent knowledge in several areas.
Dr. Carneval is a mentor-coach for the Cleveland Clinic Staff Coaching and Mentoring Program and earned her Executive Coaching Certificate through Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University.
In 2019, Dr. Carneval began her role as Discipline Director of General Surgery for Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, leading didactics for 3rd year students on general surgery rotation. She enjoys mentoring students, residents and URM high school students who are interested in surgery.
Dr. Carneval enjoys spending time by the lake, bicycling, and gardening. She lives in Broadview Heights, Ohio.
General Surgery Discipline Mentoring Workshop
Saturday, September 17, 2022
7:00 AM – 9:30 AM East Coast USA Time
Disclosure information not submitted.
RESCHEDULED: Surgery Mentor Starter Pack--Everything You Need to Know As a Mentor or Mentee
Sunday, September 18, 2022
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM East Coast USA Time
Disclosure(s): No financial relationships to disclose